Nichols Fund
Your Gift; Their Success!
raised of $1,275,000 goal531
Advancement Office
Supporters across the USA
Supporters (531)
All (531)
A Joan Saab
In memory of ANDREW J. RICH '21
Aaleya Koreishi
Thank you Nichols for making me. student athlete for life!
Abdulkadir Saidi
Adam Cornelius
Adrian F. Dedecker
Aileen Corso
Thank you to faculty, staff, and coaches for all that you do!
Al Bellanca
Alan Saltzman
Alexander L. Kompson
Alexander Paul Aversano
Alexandra M. Mathews
Alison Papadakis
Allan Lefcoowitz
Allison Prince
Alyson Spaulding & Joseph Calleri
Ameriprise Financial
Amy Capalbo
We are so grateful our kids are able to have the educational experience that Nichols School provides.
Amy Houston
Andrew Hyde
Andrew Mathias
Andrew Zajdel
Angela Campagna
Ann Kern
Ann M. Sessions
Anna Pressman
Anna Whistler
Annabel Bacon
Anne S. Weiner
Anthony J. Malone
Aranya Maritime
Arnold Berman
Arshad Hussain
Its our privilege and honor to support an institution which is maintaining a very high standard of academics
Arthur Rosenberg
Arthur W. Cryer
Ashley Tibollo
Atwal Family
Austin Farber
Barbara Henderson
Barbara Riedel
Barney Walsh & Amy Clifton
Bill Flor
Bob Pratter
Brad Rauch
Brady Stevens
Brett S. Goldstein
Brian & Elizabeth Duffett
In honor of J. Michael Duffett ‘62
Brian Block
Brian Gasuik
Brian Wilson
In honor of Gary Wilson 1970
Bridget Lett
Bridget Russo
Brooke M. Leboeuf
Bruce Barron
Bruce C. Stoesser
Bruce L. Biltekoff
Caitlin Connelly
Callie Ostendorf
Cameron Brown
Carla Becker
Carmen Fors
Caroline Keigher
Carolyn & Jon Kiddy
Carrie Dewart Van Epps
Catherine F. Goldman
Catherine Stern
Cathy Amdur
Cathy Barish
Charles Duffy
Charles Halpern
Charles K. Mann
Charles S. Brown
Charley Blaine
In honor of David Lewis and Charles Duffy
Chauncey Maguire
Chris Campos and Julie Silver
Chris Reid
In memory of Nick Hopkins.
Christina & Greg Leonard
Christine Roach
Christopher H. Koch
Christopher Nolan
Christopher and Mary Ann Tingley
Claudia O'Keefe
Colleen Potocki
Connor Coscia
Courtney Glenn
Craig & Kristina Semple
Craig MacDonald
Cyndi Burnett
Dan Collins
Dan Dolan
Dan Donaldson
Daniel & Jennifer Coppola
Daniel Lieberman
Daniel Montante
Daniel Sterman
Nichols was the seminal academic experience of my life. It was where I was challenged to become a dedicated and curious learner, something which I cherish as ongoing in my life. I was privileged to have the benefit of a Nichols education, and wish the same for kids from throughout the Greater Buffalo region.
Daniel Sterman
Daniel Williams
Daniel and Laura Rifkin
Danielle Printz
Darby Johnson
In memory of Bob Strauss '79
Darcy & Rick Zacher
Dave & Shelley Kimelberg
David Alexander
David Alexander
David H. Desmon
David Johnson
David McCormick
David R. Kiely
David R. Pfalzgraf
David Schulz
David Schwartz
David Weber
David White
David and Kelly Jorgensen
David and Melissa Jorgenson
DeWitt C. Ivins
Dean H. Jewett
Deborah Heath
In honor of Ellen Markel, class of 1981
Deborah R Howe
Deena Andrews
Deidre Batson-Griggs
In honor of Mama Crystal Seymour Austin
Deke Karzon
Dillon Joseph
Dinesh Maneyapanda
Dion Birney
Donald Miller
Donald Smith
Donald Uhl
Donata Lorenzo
Douglas Bradley
Douglas C. Bean
Douglas Pfeiffer
Dr and Mrs Philip Stegemann
Dr. Igor Puzanov & Dr. Martina Puzanovova
Dr. Julie Dinnage
Dr. Siva Yedlapati & Dr. Anu Mendu
“Acharya Devo Bhava” is a Sanskrit phase that translates to “Teacher is God”. We believe that teachers have a profound influence on students. We are forever grateful.
Drs. Fayyaz Barodawala and Lubaina Rangwala
Dusty Clayton
Edward M. Sibble
Edward S. Hand
Edward Spangenthal
Go Big Green!
Edward Spangenthal
Eleanor Beasley
Elizabeth Coburn
Elizabeth H. Keenan
Elizabeth J. Santos
Elizabeth Keogh
Elizabeth Walcott
Ella M. Smith
Ellen Considine
Emily DeCarlo
Emily Donowick-Zier
Emily Olczak
Emily Pressman
Eric Gallo
Eric Lipa
Eric Porter
Erich Midlik
Erin Gomulka
Erin Lawson
Erin Meehan
Erin and Sean Cornelius
Estate of Charles Lee Abell
Fannie Mae Matching Gifts
Francesca Fulciniti
In memory of Alexander Fulciniti
Frank Witebsky
Frank Witkowski
Frederick D. Turner
Frederick J. Batson
Frederick Shuart
Gale Burstein
Garrett Piech
Gary M. Sterman
Geert Van Doorn
George Kingsley III
George Smith, III
George T. Laub
George Trimper
In honor of George Kloepfer FundPlease earmark this donation to the Kloepfer Fund
Germaine Zabibu
Ghulam Jafar
Grace Coulom
Greg Coward
Gregory Desautels
Gregory Jordan
Gretchen Gwitt
H. Michael Hecht
H. Taylor Yates
Harry Maynor
Harry Meyer
Hayden Letchworth
Heather Brand
Heather DeFazio
Helena Crotty
Go Vikings
Horace Gioia
Howard A. Zemsky
Howard Schweitzer
Howard W. Benatovich
Irwin L. Burstein
J. Bradley Rauch
JJ & Priscilla Bennett
Jacob Block
James B. Docherty
James Bennett
James Block
James G. Campbell
James M. Dillon
James M. Sternberg
James M. Wadsworth
James P. Kritzer
James Pieri
James W. Gutow
Jamie Kelly
Nichols isn't just the best school in WNY, it is a community of eclectic individuals driven by the desire for education, experiential learning, and commitment to strive for success. It is a welcoming community where faculty interact with the students to help build confidence.
Jane F. Griffin
Janelle Zera
Jay Mepani
Jean Luc Ngoma
Jed Rifkin
Jef Kingsley
Jeff & Misha Russo
Jeff Ryan
Jeffrey Bebak
Jeffrey L. Penfold
Jennifer Bamann
Jenny Li
Jesse and Emily Doren
Jessica Hapeman
Jianxin Wang
Jill Bruno
Jill E. Gerhardt
Jillian Boltz
Joan Gruen
Joan Sanford
Jodi De Riszner
Jodi de Riszner
Joel Harden
Johannes Aubrecht
John & Christine Meyo
John A. Mitchell
John A. Williams
John Brizdle
John Burgess
John C. Spitzmiller
John Callahan
John Fitch
John Fox
John M. MacCallum
John M. Waters
John Murrett
John Paul Gillmeister
John Richmond
Hope to be there for the 65th reunion
John S. Clauss
John Szymanski
John W. Buyers
John W. McMahon
John Weiksnar
Jon Cox
Joseph Kresse
In honor of Keith Celniker ‘84 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Joseph Priselac Jr
Joseph S. Kaming
Joshua Ring
Judith Lee
In memory of Dale Bruce Haidvogel
Julie Alford
Julie Halpern Ridlon
Julie Plata
Justin Kellogg
Justin Ngongo
Karen Camacho
Karen L. Mathews
Karen Ravin
In honor of Laura Scirri Dudley
Karen Reeves
Karl & Jen Koch
Kate Harden
Katherine Schapiro
Kathleen Sweet
Kathryn McIntyre
Katie Dowling
Class of 2028
Katie Jebb Norton and Jim Norton
In memory of George Truscott
Kelly Bearden
Ken Geising
Kenneth R. Kahn
Kevin - Joanne Ryan
Kevin Celniker
In honor of Phil Celniker
Kevin N. O'Gorman
Kimberly Kohler
I’m so proud that my son is part of the Nichols community and the Nichols hockey team!
Kristen Kelley
Kristina Seiffert-Sinha
Kyle Walsh
Larry Desautels
Laura Arribas
Lawrence F. Giordano
Laz Rifkin
Leah Corradi
Leah Mayer
Leonard and Patricia Deni
Leslie & Virginia Foschio
Leslie Garcia
Lestingi Family
Lewis Ferrentino & Jamie Varco
Leyton Johnston
Lily Verbeck
Linda Reineman
Lisa Caywood
Lisa Regan Anderson
Lisa Zebro
Lorrei DiCamillo
Luke Ferrentino
Lyman Munschauer
Marcia Rashman Frankel
In memory of Gordon L. “Billy” Rashman and in honor fabulous class of 1963
Margaret A. Piech
Margaret Hardner
Margaret(Peppy) McLean
In memory of Hugh McLean'59
Marianne Lagutaine
Marissa Higgins
Mark and Maansi Travers
Mark and Maansi Travers
Martha Hunt
Martin J. Besant
Martin Karpie
Mary Kate Morrow
Mary O. Ginther
Mary Reed
In memory of Douglas N. Reed, Class of 1949
Mary Verbeck
Matthew Sugalski
Max Becker
Maya Mollerus
Megan Sullivan
Meghan J. O’Connor
Meghann Gill
Melissa & David Jorgenson
Melissa Christian
Melodie Budodi
Meredith Vivian
Mia Reich
Michael Aylward
Remain grateful for the opportunity to attend Nichols more than 25 years ago, and love the chance to pay it forward to future students on financial aid 🙏
Michael Baird
Michael Candaras
Michael J. Montesano
Michael Kubiak ('75) & Lori Faser
We're proud to support the work that the school does to expand the minds of our current and future students.
Michael Miller
Michael Risman
excellent school!
Michael Wilcove
Michael and Christine Roach
Michelle Maccagnano
The education my child is receiving is amazing. Love the middle school teachers and staff.
Mike & Angela Kelly
Milton Potter
Mitchell Gratwick
Molly & Martin Boscarino
Molly Croglia
Molly Rich Lambros
Molly Scheu
Monty Pooley
Nicholas Amigone
Nicholas P. Amigone
Nicholas Priselac
Nicolas Schlecht
Nicole & Nicholas Tzetzo
Nicole Roberts
Nicoletta Aliberto
In honor of Nichols Middle School
Nina Lincoln
Norman Pedersen
Orville Chatwood
Paige Spangenthal
Let’s go buffalo!
Pamela J. O'Gorman
Parker Reich
Patricia and Robert Hudson
Patrick Clancy
Patrick Thompson
Paul A. Mooney
Paul Schnatz
In memory of J. David Schnatz, M.D. '49
Paul/Lisa Hoffman
Pearl Guerin
Peter G. MacMurtrie
Peter M. Mitchell
Peter Marlette
Peter Martin
Peter Morrison
Peter Sanborn
In honor of Bruce Sanborn (previous teacher)
Peter Sauer
Peter Wickman
Phil and Nicole Nobel
Philip Coburn
Phyllis Siracusa
Prosper Nkurunziza
Quinn Rifkin
RJ Bouchard
Ralph Gabarro
In honor of Pete GabarroIn memory of Pete Gabarro
Ramone Alexander
Ramone Alexander
In honor of London Vinson-Gates, Aniyah Wood, A'riyah HollinsMay each of your lights continue to shine, so that all may see your brilliance and great works.
Rashika HALL
In honor of Aunt Emma ColstonGod is good! Go Vikings!
Rebecca B. O'Grady
Rebecca Braungart
Rebecca Locke
Renee Latour
Renee Tanner
Richard Carlson Jr
Richard Herrick
Richard Plotkin
Rick and Lucyann Zeller
Robert Brown
Robert Carter
Robert Crowell
Robert Dautch
Robert Drago
Robert E. Greene
Robert E. Jehle
Robert Gorski
Robert J. Drago
Robert M. Butcher
Robert Rahn
Robert Siembida
Robert W. Constantine
Rodd Herron
Rupp Foundation
Ryan Ballow
In honor of Ed Ballow and Dom Colangelo
Ryan Gilbert and Lisa Gilbert
Ryan Murphy
Ryan Thompson
Go Vikings
Sage Rifkin
Saidi Bahati
Saima Jafri
A wonderful community to be a part of! Keep up the great work!
Sally Gentner
In honor of Molly DiGiulio '25, Ella Murphy '25, & JJ Murphy '27
Sally Venditti
Sam Walsh
In honor of Barney Walsh
Samuel Goodloe Jr.
Samwele Muhindo
Sandra McCarthy
Sanford Nobel
Sara Saak
Sara Wiese
Sarah Ahmad
Sarah Washington
Scott Hapeman
Sean Fitzmichael Devlin
Seth A. Lansky
Seth Greenky
Shane Coppola
Shannon Martin
Shelley Drake
In honor of Warren Gelman, on his induction into the Greater Buffalo Sports Hall of Fame
Siobhan Hughes
In memory of Dick Stratton
Sonja Pavlesen
Stacey Kartub
Stacey McCulle
Stefanie Hintz
Stephanie Bevilacqua
Stephen J. Teach
Stephen Kellogg
Stephen O. Cabana
Steven Biltekoff
Stuart Rockefeller
Sue Strauss
T. Patrick Webster
Tammy Aranyosi
Tammy Aranyosi
Ted Szarzanowicz
The Dietrick Family
We love supporting Nichols because we know that only benefits our kids! Thank you!!
Theresa Miyashita
Thomas Butcher
Thomas C. Keiser
Thomas Goldstein
Thomas McNaughton
Tim McCarthy
Timothy Fisher
Tiziana Daniels
Nichols supported my son so we will continue to support others. Wonderful school
Tom Chambers & Anne Ward
Tom Maynor
Tony & MaryAnne Hejna
Tony Hejna
Tracy Masiello
Tristan Reich
Vera Arrison
W. Scott Saperston
Walter D. Hoffman
Walter Maischoss
Wayne & Mary Bacon
Wendy Lebowitz-Pressman
Wendy Sanders
Will Shi
William C Bissett
William J. Constantine
William J. Flor
William J. Regan
William N. Hudson
William Patterson
Wilson Crone
Yakov D. Shaposhnikov
Zachary Augustine
Zhiqing Li
Alison bosch
Debbie waitkus
In honor of Nancy & Jerry HansIn appreciation of providing new life to Greg's chair.
Frederick Shuart
In honor of Ruta Valters Shuart
Gregory stevens
In honor of Bill Clough
James mcfarland
In honor of Greg Washington
John clarke
Kris ziegler
Mark goldman
In honor of Max Langer, '25 Gavin Weinstein,'25 and the Jewish Club of Nichols
Matthew mitchell
In honor of Bart Mitchell
Robert grosof