2025 Nichols Days of Green
Show Your Nichols Heart!
Supporters across the USA
Supporters (274)
All (274)
Adam Greenberger
Alan Elia
Alan and Kelly Harshany
Alec Schappert
Alexa Laub Gibson
In honor of David Laub ‘56
Alexander Paul Aversano
Nichols taught me the importance of working hard to achieve your goals, but also to have fun and make life long friends while doing so.
Alexis Schultz
Alison Drake
Allison Gasuik
In honor of Mr. Ptak. Best teacher I ever had. Onward and upward!
Ameriprise Financial
Amy Bortner
Top-notch education and lifelong friends.
Amy Rogalski
Andrea Kenyon
Andrea Oleary
For my grandson, Daniel!
Andrew Bigelow
Go Vikings!
Andrew McDonald
My Nichols friendships and educational foundation are lifelong
Andrew Mitchell
Continue to Green 💚 😎 Us As We Go, Nichols, GO VIKINGS, And May The Nichols School Live On Now, Always, And Forever!!!
Andrew Scirri
In honor of Laura Dudley (Scirri) Class of 1985Nichols was a transformative experience in my life. The terrific teachers and coaches I had made a great impact on my development. The friends I made at that time are still my best friends over 40 years later. I hope the current students take as much from their time at Nichols as I did.
Angela Campagna
Let’s Go Nichols!!
Angela Marcolini
Ann Kern
In honor of The Facilities Department and their hard work clearing snow and ice this winter.Thank you Facilities Department for braving the cold, snow and ice this winter to keep the campus safe and accessible for everyone.
Anthony Casullo
Anthony Venditti
Anusha Rasalingam
Ashley Lewis
Ashley Tibollo
In honor of the late Mr. StrattonMr. Stratton, you made an enormous impact on my life and my writing skills. Through the years, my writing has allowed me to excel in academic, personal, and professional capacities. Your support and encouragement helped me to become a confident person. I wouldn't be where I am without you. I miss you constantly, but I take comfort knowing that your legacy lives on here at Nichols through your many friends, colleagues, and former students, including me. I try to channel you when I am correcting student tests and papers in the hopes that it will help at least some of them like you helped me.
Austin & Anna Farber
Benjamin Gerhardt
Benjamin Plaut
Bernie & Tina Hsu
Brian Duffett
Brian Smith
Bridget Lett
I support Nichols for the great education it provides.
Bridget Russo
Caitlin Connelly
Cameron Ross
In memory of Raymond Verril
Carol Collard
Carolyn C. Koelmel
Cary Oconnor
Cassandra Stein Fracassi
Catherine Kersey
In honor of My teachers & my parentsThank you to all of my teachers, coaches and mentors who helped me along the way and for making Nichols my home.
Cheri Carter
Chris Capalbo
Christina Leonard
Thank you to all of the people who make this school wonderful!
Chuck Ptak
In honor of my Advisory from the Class of 2024: Carter, Dancy, Emmons, Gibbs, Honeine, Maidment, J. Michael-Saffire, R. Michael-Saffire, Sacher, Smith, Stoffman, and Williams. “In the long run, we find what we expect; we shall be fortunate then, if we expect great things.” - Henry David Thoreau
Clifford Hurley
In honor of Hon Betsy Glaser Hurley
Connor Schutte
Dana Breen
Danielle Schmidt
In honor of The Admissions Team
Danielle Vallas
David Barden
David Heath
David Millar
Deena Kotlewski
In memory of Michelle Isenberg-AgostinelliDedicated in memory of a bright light in our class, making us all laugh and bringing positivity to everyone!
Delia Koeppen
The faculty and staff are amazing at what they do! Thank you!
Devin Friedlander
Diane Thompson
Dieter Schindler
Great school!
Dillon Joseph
Donald Roberts
Donna Kasza
Douglas Doolittle
Dr & Mrs Maximillian E Stachura
Nichols expanded my vision and raised my sights.
Dr. Robert and Cynthia Bear
Eli Lilly and Company Foundation
Elizabeth Coburn
Elizabeth Golebiewski
Ellie Simmons
Emily Olczak
Emma G. Hawkes
Ephraim Atwal
Eric Luko
In honor of Mr. Crane
Eric Ward
In honor of Jim Swiatowy
Eric and Cara Reich
Erin Habelt
Erin Salmon
Gabriela Gallen-Kallela-Sirén
George Rossney-McKnight
Grace (Munro) Scheuerer
Grace Alford
Grace Coulom
Greg Plumb
In honor of The amazing Middle School Faculty and Staff.
Gregory Sibick
Harrison Bacon
In memory of William F. (Kim) Kimberly, Jr.
Henry Chambers
Hyun and John Dandolph
In honor of Our Children, John ‘30 and Henry ‘31
J. Bradley Rauch
This is a particularly nice school with excellent teachers and kids!
Jack Vance
In memory of Larry ReganEven after his children graduated, Larry was still at so many Nichols basketball games because of his love for Nichols. Miss the conversations with Larry.
Jacob Zimmer
James Mapes
James Strachan
In memory of David StrachanDedicated educator who devoted and committed to teaching and the school
Jean Beecher
Jennifer Cruz
In honor of Dr. Chui Sien Chan, Dr. Daniel Rosenbaum, Mr. Josh Ring and Mr. Kevin Powers
Jerry Ivers
Proud to be a Nichols alum.
Jesse Baier Radford
In honor of Chelsy CollinsGo Class of 2005!
Jessica Demakos
Jessica Smith
Jiaoyan Li
Thank you.
Jill Gerhardt
Joe Avino
John Boscarino
In honor of Ron Montesano
John Bray
John Eaton
John Faso
John Gabrieli
John Mineo
John Soron
John Spasiano
John Williams
Jon Blumhagen
Joseph Saffire
Joseph Walter
In memory of Raymond Walter
Josh Nussbaumer
In honor of Mary SaperstonGreat experience for myself as well as my daughter Callaway who is now at Middlebury College.
Josh and Kristin LeRoy
Julia Liwicki
Kaitlin Filocamo (née Kramer)
Karen Camacho
Karen Van Dyke
In memory of Richard Stratton
Kari Achatz
In support of my amazing arts colleagues!
Kate Roach and Kevin Hogan
In honor of Barney Walsh
Kathleen Massimilian
Kathryn Flaschner
Katie Dowling
Katie Ennis
Katie Feldberg
Katie McIntyre
Go A-Team!
Kerry Bennett
In memory of Kim Kimberly (Mr. Kim) who inspired so many of us. We miss you.
Kevin Powers
In honor of My students over the yearsWith deep gratitude and affection for all of my students over the years. To all of the "wayward boys" advisories, to the "extended advisories," to all who have engaged in service work in our shared WNY community, and to all students of all identities, genders, backgrounds, talents, skills, interests, hopes, and dreams whose paths have crossed with mine: thank you. I have learned so much from my work as a member of our Nichols community. Being your teacher has allowed me to learn so much and to grow as a person in my own life. May we all always remember that the diversity of our community is its core strength. May we be mindful that, in life, we are all called to learn from and grow alongside one another. And, grounded in these values, may we work to have our actions in the world we all share be guided by our compassionate and merciful hearts. With gratitude & respect ~ kp
Krista Glenn
Kristina Seiffert-Sinha
Kyle Resetarits
Laura Carless
Laura Franz
Laura Yerkovich
Lauralynn Drury
Leah Cannan Fogarty
Grateful to Nichols for grants that helped me, my sister Delia, and my brother Charles to attend Nichols.
Lee Randaccio
Leo Senese
Liam Clancy
In honor of Emily OlczakSupported me through tough times and allowed me to get to achieve my goals of getting to a great university.
Lindsay Hogan
Lisa Ackendorf
Lisa Caywood
In honor of the wonderful people at Nichols School I get to work alongside with each day, and the students that make me love my job
Lisa Zebro
Louisa Jerauld Levine
In memory of Susan Shapiro
Marc Amigone
Maria Shiau
Mark Roberts
In memory of Laura Schirri
Marla Murrett
Mary Kate Morrow
In honor of the wonderful people I work with every day!
Matt & Shanna Gordon
Matthew & Mara Montante
Matthew Parker
Meg Auerbach
Melissa & David Jorgenson
Thank you to all the teachers and staff that are so encouraging and supportive of the students! You make all the difference!
Melissa Balbach
So happy to support our Nichols faculty - the heart of our school!
Melissa Loecher
Melissa Marlette Kresse
Melissa Murphy
Melissa Pope
Michael Blinkoff
Michael Gacioch
Michelle Rheinheimer
Mimi May
In honor of James G.G. May, Sr '62In memory of James G.G. May, Sr '62I wish I were still a student at Nichols! The best 4 years ever!
Molly & Marty Boscarino
In honor of Kari AchatzYou inspire your students to become the best versions of themselves. Your passion for the arts and dedication to your students is remarkable. You have created a welcoming and beautiful space where our children thrive.
Molly Schue
Monish Bhattacharyya
Montgomery Pooley
In honor of Suggie WilliamsLooking forward to our 45th! Thankful for Mrs. (Suggie) Williams and what the Williams family has meant to Nichols over the years.
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Marlette
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis E. Hudnell, III
Mr. and Mrs. Meehan
Nathaniel Michael
National Fuel Gas Company Foundation
Nicholas Tzetzo
In honor of Nichols Building & Grounds team
Nicole Craven
Nicoletta Aliberto
In honor of the Middle School faculty!
Pamela Marcucci
Pamicka Marinello
In honor of Mr. William “Kim” Kimberly
Paul Eisenhardt
Continue to cherish the good times and learnings from time at Nichols and subsequent friendships with classmates.
Paul Greenman
Paul Rutecki
Peter Sciandra
Peter Vogelsang and Rhona Silverbush
Philip Niswander
Priscilla and JJ Bennett
Rachel Jackson
Ralph H. Sidway III
In memory of William F. "Kim" KimberlyMr Kimberly was my English teacher in the early 1970s, and introduced us to The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien. His cheerful wit and love for literature was infectious and inspiring, and set me on course for a lifetime of reading, writing, and engagement in the great liberal arts tradition of western culture, especially of the English language. Mr Kimberly was also our neighbor in East Aurora, and is lovingly and eternally remembered.
Ramone Alexander
In honor of Coach RonMon - “Stan”Two MM team championships and counting. It’s been a blast, Coach. Thank you for letting me be a part of an amazing athletic program!
Ramone Alexander
In honor of Greg PlumbYour passion inspires! Thank you for all you do, seen and unseen. To more great times. Cheers!
Ramone Alexander
In honor of Chuck PtakJuly 13, 2022. Friendship Baptist Church. You were there. Showing up matters. Thanks, Chuck.
Ramone Alexander
In honor of Kevin PowersThank you on behalf of my 7th grade history class. You are a master teacher, and friend that I’ve had the good fortune to observe for years. Thank you!
Ramone Alexander
In honor of Dr. Aranya MaritimeModeling poise and professionalism is the best mentoring. Thank you for your steadfast commitment to educating kids.
Ramone Alexander
In honor of Erin HabeltThank you for consistently and lovingly challenging us to be better for kids and each other. You make Nichols a special place. Thank you.
Rebecca Braungart
Rebecca Locke
It's easy to support a school that provides such great learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom.
Rene Casali
Rick Diamond
Robert Barrett
Robert Biltekoff
Robert D. Gioia
Rohan Bansal
Ronald Leong
In honor of Kristen Grace ScottLet’s go Class of 1987!!
Ronald Montesano
In memory of Colin Wegner
Ryan Keating
Ryan Thompson
In honor of Mr. WaltzI certainly didn't appreciate being forced to stay after school to focus on math at the time, but now realize what he was doing for me.
In honor of Shawn Wnek '97
Sally Abell
Sandy Smith
Sandy and Eric Keller
Sara & Dan Wiese
In honor of All the amazing and hard-working people I work with on a daily basis.
Sara Fitzpatrick
Sarah Baird and Ben Kerman
Sarah Poczciwinski
Sarah Washington
Scott / Karin Socha
Scott and Kristin Saperston
Sean and Erin Cornelius
In honor of our kids, Harrison Cornelius '30 and Finn Cornelius '33!
Sonja Gallen-Kallela-Sirén
Spencer Bacon
State Street Bank & Trust Company
Stephanie Feliciano
In honor of Dr. Maritime and Mr. Potter
Steven Nesbitt
Susan Halpern
Susan St. Pierre
Susan cronin
Tara DeCarlo
Tasha Tanhehco
Taylor Pietrowski
In honor of Bella Stack. Best advisor ever!
Ted Nagel
Thaddeus Szarzanowicz
The Mayer Family
Thomas Hadala Jr.
Tim Burke
In honor of Charles HamlenI learned everything I needed at Nichols!!
Tina Rodriguez
Todd Brason
Tom Maynor
In honor of Middle School FacultyAn incredible group of teachers!
Trinity Chatwood
Tyler & Allison Van Schoonhoven
Wendy Stone
Wilhelm Aubrecht
Will Bennett
William "Jud" Weiksnar
In memory of Neil Goodman '75
William J. Flor
William Morey, jr
In honor of Joseph Morey
William Steck
Wyatt Arthurs
Laura hayes
Robert stevenson
five generations of my family have been educated at nichols
In support of great teachers, a supportive community and a critical and foundational institution in the WNY region!
Congratulations to the Advancement team on a successful campaign!
In honor of the Nichol’s Faculty & Staff
In honor of Chan Kennedy and Dennis McCarthy